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music-production, sounddesign, mixSohaila, Zahra and Zeinab train every day. Their dream is to become professional fighters and to show the world that all people are equal. We spent a week in and around the Malakasa refugee camp outside Athens getting to know these inspirational young Afghan women, documenting their gruelling commitment to fitness and their raging passion for equality.
starring: Sohaila, Zahra, Zeinab and Bahra
production: peoplegrapher
director: Lukas Tielke
dop: Lukas Tielke
additional camera: Niklas Lemburg
photographer: Steve Marais
analog photographer: Philipp Romppel
editor: Marvin Kühner
colorist: Jonny Thorpe / Glassworks
graphic design: George Popov
NGO. Yoga & Sports with Refugees / Estelle Jean & Nina de Winter